Smart Minotaur
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[Detailebene 1234567]
 | \-map_monitor
 |  o*MapWindow.hpp
 |  \*QMapWidget.hpp
 | \-minotaur_common
 |  o*BlockingQueue.hpp
 |  o*IMinotaurListener.hpp
 |  o*Math.hppThis file provides mathematical macros, symbols and functions for common operations
 |  o*MazeSettings.hpp
 |  o*MedianFilter.hpp
 |  o*MinotaurControlNode.hpp
 |  o*MinotaurParam.hppContains symbols and functions (name generation) to access the parameters on the ROS ParamServer
 |  o*MinotaurTopics.hpp
 |  o*MotorVelocity.hpp
 |  o*MouseSensorSettings.hpp
 |  o*RAIILock.hpp
 |  o*RobotSettings.hpp
 |  o*RobotVelocity.hpp
 |  o*SensorSettings.hpp
 |  o*Thread.hpp
 |  \*Vector2.hpp
 | \-minotaur_common_qt
 |  o*MetaTypes.hppThis file contains MetaTypes for QT, which can be sent by QSignals and recieved with Slots
 |  o*QMinotaurControlNode.hpp
 |  \*QMinotaurControlThread.hpp
 | \-minotaur_map
 |  o*BugZeroAlgorithm.hpp
 |  o*Map.hpp
 |  o*MapCreator.hpp
 |  o*MinotaurCommunicator.hpp
 |  o*Movement.hpp
 |  o*MovementAlgorithm.hpp
 |  o*MovementAlgorithmSensor.hpp
 |  o*NavigationThread.hpp
 |  o*PledgeAlgorithm.hpp
 |  o*RobotOdometry.hpp
 |  o*RobotPosition.hpp
 |  o*SensorMeasurement.hpp
 |  o*SensorThread.hpp
 |  \*Vec2.hpp
 | \-minotaur_maze
 |  o*ExplorationAlgorithm.hpp
 |  o*MazeMap.hpp
 |  o*MazeMapping.hpp
 |  o*MazeMapUser.hpp
 |  o*MazeNavigator.hpp
 |  o*MazeNode.hpp
 |  o*MazeSolver.hpp
 |  o*MinotaurControlNodeUser.hpp
 |  o*MinotaurExplorationAlgorithm.hpp
 |  o*MinotaurMazeMapping.hpp
 |  \*StayInMidNavigator.hpp
 | \-mouse_monitor_beagle
 |  o*MouseMonitorConfig.hpp
 |  \*MouseMonitorNodeBeagle.hpp
 | \-mouse_monitor_pc
 |  o*MouseMonitorCalibrationData.hpp
 |  o*MouseMonitorCalibrationWizard.hpp
 |  o*MouseMonitorDirectionWidget.hpp
 |  o*MouseMonitorLogDialog.hpp
 |  o*MouseMonitorMedianFilterDialog.hpp
 |  o*MouseMonitorNode.hpp
 |  o*MouseMonitorPlot.hpp
 |  o*MouseMonitorTrackPathWidget.hpp
 |  o*MouseMonitorWindow.hpp
 |  \*Robot.hpp
 | \-pid_monitor
 |  o*PIDWindow.hpp
 |  \*QSensorPainter.hpp
  | o*PIDController.hpp
  | o*RobotCommunicator.hpp
  | o*RobotController.hpp
  | o*RobotThread.hpp
  | o*SensorCommunicator.hpp
  | o*SensorController.hpp
  | \*SensorThread.hpp