Is a structure for storing the robot's linear and angular velocity and its covariance.
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#include <Movement.hpp>
Öffentliche Methoden |
| Movement (const float p_v, const float p_w) |
void | set (const float p_v, const float p_w) |
void | setSigma (float **p_sigma) |
void | convert (const geometry_msgs::TwistWithCovariance &p_twist) |
Öffentliche Attribute |
float | v |
float | w |
float | sigma [2][2] |
Ausführliche Beschreibung
Is a structure for storing the robot's linear and angular velocity and its covariance.
Die Dokumentation für diese Klasse wurde erzeugt aufgrund der Datei:
- /home/fabian/develop/nxt_minotaur/src/minotaur_map/include/minotaur_map/Movement.hpp