Smart Minotaur
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[Detailebene 123]
oCnxt::BatteryLevelData structure for GetBatteryLevel responses
oCminotaur::BlockingQueue< T >The BlockingQueue class implements a blocking queue with dynamic size using the pthread API
oCnxt::BrickUsed for communication with a NXT brick
oCminotaur::IMinotaurListenerInterface to react on incoming Odometry and UltrasonicData messages within a MinotaurControlNode object
oCnxt::InputValuesData structure for the current sensor state
oCnxt::KeepAliveData structure for keep alive responses
oCnxt::LSReadData structure for LSRead responses
oCnxt::LSStatusData structure for LSGetStatus responses
oCnxt::MailboxMessageData structure for ReadMailbox responses
oCminotaur::MapRepresents a histogramm field
oCminotaur::MapCreatorCalculates the histogramm values
oCminotaur::MapWindowDisplays a live map of the histogram
oCminotaur::MazeMapManages MazeNode objects in a 2D array and contains various properties of the maze
oCminotaur::MazeMapUserMazeMap member and corresponding setter methods
oCminotaur::MazeNodeSingle node in a maze
oCminotaur::MazeSettingsAll possible parameters for a maze of the minotaur project
oCminotaur::MazeSolverConfigContainer for settings for a MazeSolver object
oCminotaur::MedianFilterSimple MedianFilter with fixed size
oCminotaur::MinotaurControlNodeUsed to control the minotaur via ROS
oCminotaur::MinotaurControlNodeUserMinotaurControlNode member and corresponding setter methods
oCnxt::MotorControls a motor of the brick
oCminotaur::MotorVelocityStores the velocities of a robot with differential drive for its left and right wheel
oCminotaur::MovementIs a structure for storing the robot's linear and angular velocity and its covariance
oCminotaur::MovementAlgorithmAn abstract class for implmenting algorithms to explore a map
oCminotaur::MovementAlgorithmSensorAn abstract class for implementing algorithms to explore a map
oCnxt::NXTExceptionStandard exception in NXTControl
oCnxt::OutputStateData structure for the current state of a motor
oCminotaur::PIDControllerThe PID-Controller regulates the velocity of the robot
oCminotaur::PIDWindowVisualization of the input and output velocities of the robot
oCminotaur::ProcessedSensorDataSums up the sensor data
oCnxt::ProgramNameData structure for GetCurrentProgramName responses
oCminotaur::QMapWidgetDraws a live map of a histogram
oCminotaur::QMinotaurControlNodeQT extension of the MinotaurControlNode class
oCminotaur::QMinotaurControlThreadUsed to run a QMinotaurControlNode in a seperate thread
oCminotaur::QOdometryQT wrapper for the Odometry message of ROS
oCminotaur::QSensorPainterSimple QWdiget on which obstacles can be drawn, which are recognized by the Ultrasonic sensors
oCminotaur::QUltrasonicDataQT wrapper for the UltrasonicData message of the minotaur project
oCminotaur::RAIILockImplements an exception-safe locking mechanism for pthread mutexes
oCminotaur::RobotCommunicatorGathers and publish Odometry data
oCminotaur::RobotControllerThe RobotController calculates the correct velocity for each motor
oCminotaur::RobotOdometryStores a RobotPosition and a Movement object and grants thread-safe access to them
oCminotaur::RobotPositionStores a robot's pose and its corresponding covariance
oCminotaur::RobotSettingsAll possible parameters for a robot of the minotaur project
oCminotaur::RobotVelocityContainer to store the linear and angular velocity of a robot
oCminotaur::SensorCommunicatorThe SensorCommunicator reads sensor-values and publishes them to the subscribers
oCminotaur::SensorControllerGets distance-information from the sensors
oCnxt::SensorInfoData structure for sensor measurements
oCminotaur::SensorMeasurementStores the information about a sensor measurement
oCminotaur::SensorSettingAll possible parameters for an ultrasonic sensor of the minotaur project
oCnxt::TachoInfoData structure for tacho data that contains motor tick counts
oCnxt::TelegramThis class represents a message to communicate with the brick
oCnxt::TelegramDecoderProvides functionality to create handy data structures from Telegram objects
oCnxt::TelegramFactoryProvides methods to create Telegram objects
oCminotaur::ThreadObject oriented representation of a posix thread
oCnxt::UltrasonicSensorControls a ultrasonic sensor of the brick
oCnxt::USBSocketUsed to communicate with the LEGO NXT Brick via USB
oCminotaur::Vec2Represents a 2D vector, which stores x and y coordinates