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nxt::Telegram Klassenreferenz

This class represents a message to communicate with the brick. Mehr ...

#include <Telegram.hpp>

Öffentliche Methoden

 Telegram (const int p_size)
void add (const unsigned char p_byte)
void addUINT8 (const uint8_t p_byte)
void addUINT16 (const uint16_t p_word)
void addUINT32 (const uint32_t p_dword)
void addData (const unsigned char *p_data, const int p_count)
void addTelegram (const Telegram &p_telegram)
void clear ()
int size () const
int getData (unsigned char *p_data) const

Ausführliche Beschreibung

This class represents a message to communicate with the brick.

Telegrams are messages that are used to communicate with the brick. They do not consider endianess and thus they are only a simple byte buffer. For detailed information about available Telegrams check the TelegramFactory class.

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