Smart Minotaur
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minotaur::SensorController Klassenreferenz

Gets distance-information from the sensors. Mehr ...

#include <SensorController.hpp>

Öffentliche Methoden

 SensorController (nxt::Brick *p_brick)
uint8_t getDistance (const uint8_t p_id)
 get the last measured distance from a specific sensor
uint8_t addSensor (const uint8_t p_port)
void clearSensors ()
int count ()

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Gets distance-information from the sensors.

This class is used for the SensorCommunicator

Dokumentation der Elementfunktionen

uint8_t minotaur::SensorController::getDistance ( const uint8_t  p_id)

get the last measured distance from a specific sensor

p_idid of the sensor
getDistancemeasured distance

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