Smart Minotaur
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minotaur::NavigationThread Klassenreferenz

Runs the movement and navigation logic of the robot. Mehr ...

#include <NavigationThread.hpp>

Klassendiagramm für minotaur::NavigationThread:

Öffentliche Methoden

void init (MinotaurCommunicator *p_communicator, RobotOdometry *p_odom)
void run ()
 The content of this method is executed in the thread.
- Öffentliche Methoden geerbt von minotaur::Thread
void start ()
void stop ()
void join ()

Geschützte Methoden

void onStop ()
 This method is called when stop() is called.
void onStart ()
 This method is called before the thread is started (call of start()).

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Runs the movement and navigation logic of the robot.

Dokumentation der Elementfunktionen

void minotaur::NavigationThread::onStart ( )

This method is called before the thread is started (call of start()).

Any adjustments of members should be done here.

Implementiert minotaur::Thread.

void minotaur::NavigationThread::onStop ( )

This method is called when stop() is called.

The correct stopping of the thread should be done here (e.g. set a bool to false).

Implementiert minotaur::Thread.

void minotaur::NavigationThread::run ( )

The content of this method is executed in the thread.

All work done by the thread should be implemented here.

Implementiert minotaur::Thread.

Die Dokumentation für diese Klasse wurde erzeugt aufgrund der Dateien: