Smart Minotaur
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minotaur::PIDController Klassenreferenz

The PID-Controller regulates the velocity of the robot. Mehr ...

#include <PIDController.hpp>

Öffentliche Methoden

 PIDController (nxt::Motor &p_leftMotor, nxt::Motor &p_rightMotor)
void setVelocity (const float p_linearVelocity, const float p_angularVelocity)
void setWheelRadius (const float p_meter)
void setWheelTrack (const float p_meter)
void setPIDParameter (const minotaur_common::PIDParameter &p_param)
void setMouseSensorSettings (const MouseSensorSettings &p_mouseSettings)
float getLinearVelocity () const
float getAngularVelocity () const
float getWheelRadius () const
float getWheelTrack () const
minotaur_common::PIDParameter & 
getPIDParameter () const
void step (const int p_samplingIntervalMSec)
 Sets new motor-powers after calculate them.

Ausführliche Beschreibung

The PID-Controller regulates the velocity of the robot.

The Controller gets measured values of the velocity, compares them with the desired values, and then calculates new velocities. The motor-publisher is used to set the "power" of the robot motors. The motor-client is used to read the current "tick count" of each motor. Publisher, Client and the wheel-circumference have to be set manually before using the "step()" method.

Dokumentation der Elementfunktionen

void minotaur::PIDController::step ( const int  p_samplingIntervalMSec)

Sets new motor-powers after calculate them.

p_samplingIntervalMSecduration of one samping-interval in Msec

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