Smart Minotaur
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minotaur::RobotController Klassenreferenz

The RobotController calculates the correct velocity for each motor. Mehr ...

#include <RobotController.hpp>

Öffentliche Methoden

 RobotController (nxt::Motor &p_leftMotor, nxt::Motor &p_rightMotor)
const nav_msgs::Odometry & getOdometry ()
PIDControllergetPIDController ()
void setVelocity (const geometry_msgs::Twist &p_velocity)
void setPose (const geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovariance &p_pose)
void step (const int p_samplingIntervalMSec)
 Tells the PIDController to keep the correct velocity.

Ausführliche Beschreibung

The RobotController calculates the correct velocity for each motor.

This class receives linear and angular velocity and calculates the velocity for each motor. A PIDController is used to keep the correct velocity on each motor.

Dokumentation der Elementfunktionen

void minotaur::RobotController::step ( const int  p_samplingIntervalMSec)

Tells the PIDController to keep the correct velocity.

p_samplingIntervalMSecduration of one sampling interval in MSec

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