Smart Minotaur
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minotaur::MovementAlgorithm Klassenreferenz

An abstract class for implmenting algorithms to explore a map. Mehr ...

#include <MovementAlgorithm.hpp>

Klassendiagramm für minotaur::MovementAlgorithm:

Öffentliche Methoden

 MovementAlgorithm (Map *pMap)
virtual RobotPosition getNextPosition (const RobotPosition pos)=0
 Calculates the next target position, to which the robot should move.
bool checkObstacle (int x, int y, float theta)
bool checkLeftSideObstacle (int x, int y, float theta)
bool checkRightSideObstacle (int x, int y, float theta)
int getDistanceToObstacle (int x, int y, float theta)
int getDistanceToLeftObstacle (int x, int y, float theta)
int getDistanceToRightObstacle (int x, int y, float theta)
RobotPosition calculateNewPosition (int x, int y, int theta)

Ausführliche Beschreibung

An abstract class for implmenting algorithms to explore a map.

This class is an abstract class for implementing algorithms to explore a map. The exploration algorithm works depending on a already finished Map object.

Dokumentation der Elementfunktionen

virtual RobotPosition minotaur::MovementAlgorithm::getNextPosition ( const RobotPosition  pos)
pure virtual

Calculates the next target position, to which the robot should move.

poscurrent position of the robot
next target position of the robot

Implementiert in minotaur::PledgeAlgorithm.

Die Dokumentation für diese Klasse wurde erzeugt aufgrund der Dateien: