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minotaur::MovementAlgorithmSensor Klassenreferenz

An abstract class for implementing algorithms to explore a map. Mehr ...

#include <MovementAlgorithmSensor.hpp>

Klassendiagramm für minotaur::MovementAlgorithmSensor:

Öffentliche Methoden

virtual RobotPosition getNextPosition (const RobotPosition pos)=0
 Calculates the next target position, to which the robot should move.
void setSensorValue (const int p_sensor, const int p_distance)
bool checkFrontObstacle ()
RobotPosition calculateNewPosition (float x, float y, float theta)

Ausführliche Beschreibung

An abstract class for implementing algorithms to explore a map.

This class is an abstract class for implementing algorithms to explore a map. The exploration algorithm works depending on incoming sensor measurements.

Dokumentation der Elementfunktionen

virtual RobotPosition minotaur::MovementAlgorithmSensor::getNextPosition ( const RobotPosition  pos)
pure virtual

Calculates the next target position, to which the robot should move.

poscurrent position of the robot
next target position of the robot

Implementiert in minotaur::BugZeroAlgorithm.

Die Dokumentation für diese Klasse wurde erzeugt aufgrund der Dateien: