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minotaur::MinotaurExplorationAlgorithm Klassenreferenz

The MinotaurExplorationAlgorithm class is an implementation of the ExplorationAlgorithm interface. Mehr ...

#include <MinotaurExplorationAlgorithm.hpp>

Klassendiagramm für minotaur::MinotaurExplorationAlgorithm:
minotaur::ExplorationAlgorithm minotaur::MazeMapUser

Öffentliche Methoden

Direction calculateMovementDirection (unsigned int p_x, unsigned int p_y, Direction p_direction)
 Calculates the next direction the robot should take considering its the current pose.

Weitere Geerbte Elemente

- Geschützte Attribute geerbt von minotaur::MazeMapUser

Ausführliche Beschreibung

The MinotaurExplorationAlgorithm class is an implementation of the ExplorationAlgorithm interface.

It calculates the next direction to take using the current pose of the robot and the blocked properties of the MazeNode the robot currently is in.

Dokumentation der Elementfunktionen

Direction minotaur::MinotaurExplorationAlgorithm::calculateMovementDirection ( unsigned int  p_x,
unsigned int  p_y,
Direction  p_direction 

Calculates the next direction the robot should take considering its the current pose.

p_xcurrent x positon of the robot
p_ycurrent y position of the robot
p_directioncurrent direction of the robot

Implementiert minotaur::ExplorationAlgorithm.

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