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minotaur::ExplorationAlgorithm Klassenreferenz

The ExplorationAlgorithm class provides an interface for the exploration logic of a MazeSolver object and determines which route the robot should take to explore the whole maze. Mehr ...

#include <ExplorationAlgorithm.hpp>

Klassendiagramm für minotaur::ExplorationAlgorithm:
minotaur::MazeMapUser minotaur::MinotaurExplorationAlgorithm

Öffentliche Methoden

virtual Direction calculateMovementDirection (unsigned int p_x, unsigned int p_y, Direction p_direction)=0
 Calculates the next direction the robot should take considering its the current pose.
- Öffentliche Methoden geerbt von minotaur::MazeMapUser
void setMazeMap (MazeMap *p_map)

Weitere Geerbte Elemente

- Geschützte Attribute geerbt von minotaur::MazeMapUser

Ausführliche Beschreibung

The ExplorationAlgorithm class provides an interface for the exploration logic of a MazeSolver object and determines which route the robot should take to explore the whole maze.

Dokumentation der Elementfunktionen

virtual Direction minotaur::ExplorationAlgorithm::calculateMovementDirection ( unsigned int  p_x,
unsigned int  p_y,
Direction  p_direction 
pure virtual

Calculates the next direction the robot should take considering its the current pose.

p_xcurrent x positon of the robot
p_ycurrent y position of the robot
p_directioncurrent direction of the robot

Implementiert in minotaur::MinotaurExplorationAlgorithm.

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