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minotaur::MinotaurMazeMapping Klassenreferenz

The MinotaurMazeMapping class is an implementation of the MazeMapping interface. Mehr ...

#include <MinotaurMazeMapping.hpp>

Klassendiagramm für minotaur::MinotaurMazeMapping:
minotaur::MazeMapping minotaur::MazeMapUser minotaur::MinotaurControlNodeUser

Öffentliche Methoden

void receivedUltrasonicData (const minotaur_common::UltrasonicData &p_sensorData)
 This method is called when an UltrasonicData message is recieved.
void mapNode (const unsigned int p_x, const unsigned int p_y, const Direction p_direction)
 Signals that the node at the given position should be mapped.

Weitere Geerbte Elemente

- Geschützte Attribute geerbt von minotaur::MazeMapUser
- Geschützte Attribute geerbt von minotaur::MinotaurControlNodeUser
std::vector< SensorSettingsensorSettings

Ausführliche Beschreibung

The MinotaurMazeMapping class is an implementation of the MazeMapping interface.

It processes incoming UltrasonicData messages and calculates the blocked properties of the MazeNode, in which the robot currently is in. The robot is not moving during this procedure.

Dokumentation der Elementfunktionen

void minotaur::MinotaurMazeMapping::mapNode ( const unsigned int  p_x,
const unsigned int  p_y,
const Direction  p_direction 

Signals that the node at the given position should be mapped.

The method updates the MazeMap at that position.

p_xcurrent x position of the robot
p_ycurrent y position of the robot
p_directioncurrent direction of the robot

Implementiert minotaur::MazeMapping.

void minotaur::MinotaurMazeMapping::receivedUltrasonicData ( const minotaur_common::UltrasonicData &  p_sensorData)

This method is called when an UltrasonicData message is recieved.

Processing the message is done here.

p_sensorDatathe UltrasonicData message

Implementiert minotaur::MazeMapping.

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