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minotaur::MazeMapping Klassenreferenz

The MazeMapping class provides an interface for the mapping of a MazeSolver object and determines in which directions a MazeNode is blocked or not. Mehr ...

#include <MazeMapping.hpp>

Klassendiagramm für minotaur::MazeMapping:
minotaur::MazeMapUser minotaur::MinotaurControlNodeUser minotaur::MinotaurMazeMapping

Öffentliche Methoden

virtual void receivedUltrasonicData (const minotaur_common::UltrasonicData &p_sensorData)=0
 This method is called when an UltrasonicData message is recieved.
virtual void mapNode (const unsigned int p_x, const unsigned int p_y, const Direction p_direction)=0
 Signals that the node at the given position should be mapped.
- Öffentliche Methoden geerbt von minotaur::MazeMapUser
void setMazeMap (MazeMap *p_map)
- Öffentliche Methoden geerbt von minotaur::MinotaurControlNodeUser
void setMinotaurControlNode (MinotaurControlNode *p_controlNode)

Weitere Geerbte Elemente

- Geschützte Attribute geerbt von minotaur::MazeMapUser
- Geschützte Attribute geerbt von minotaur::MinotaurControlNodeUser
std::vector< SensorSettingsensorSettings

Ausführliche Beschreibung

The MazeMapping class provides an interface for the mapping of a MazeSolver object and determines in which directions a MazeNode is blocked or not.

Dokumentation der Elementfunktionen

virtual void minotaur::MazeMapping::mapNode ( const unsigned int  p_x,
const unsigned int  p_y,
const Direction  p_direction 
pure virtual

Signals that the node at the given position should be mapped.

The method updates the MazeMap at that position.

p_xcurrent x position of the robot
p_ycurrent y position of the robot
p_directioncurrent direction of the robot

Implementiert in minotaur::MinotaurMazeMapping.

virtual void minotaur::MazeMapping::receivedUltrasonicData ( const minotaur_common::UltrasonicData &  p_sensorData)
pure virtual

This method is called when an UltrasonicData message is recieved.

Processing the message is done here.

p_sensorDatathe UltrasonicData message

Implementiert in minotaur::MinotaurMazeMapping.

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